The completion rate is extremely high, and rcopworld 3D printing is excellent. The fox livery and UDR complement each other very well, it's like a horizon replacement.
YOKOMO RPX-IID RPX2D sensory brushless esc supports WIFI settings
YOKOMO RPX-IID RPX2D sensory brushless esc supports WIFI settings
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YOKOMO RPX-II RPX2 drift-specific ESC has factory preset parameters and supports WIFI settings
Dimensions: 32.9 x 34.6 x 19.6mm
Weight: 44g
BEC: 6A/6V, 7.4V
Drift setting parameters have been pre-set at the factory
If you need wifi settings, you need to purchase the BL-WM WIFI setting module separately
Adopt high-end FET and low-resistance power supply to suppress heat and achieve 160A or higher continuous output power.
The YOKOMO team has found the right settings through continuous testing of different road materials and layouts of tracks.
Make a good choice in the initial throttle setting to increase traction and provide a unique control advantage on low-grip roads.
The all-aluminum alloy shell with vents and 30mm high-power fan provides better heat dissipation and eliminates performance loss caused by heat.
